Tales of the heart episode 5

Tales of the Heart.
Episode 5
Writer Akila Raza
Courtesy of : Mac productions

Batul Ladak
Zainab Ladak
Samiha Shabbir
Fatema Nathoo
Sukaina Dhanji
Mitul shah

Phase 5

No matter what happens…..the end decision belongs to fate…
So it’s up to us to choose
Go with the flow …or dwell In hate’

Mia looked at her grandma with questioning eyes…. catastrophy? She Wondered… The old woman was lost in her own thoughts ….’granny , we need to talk”, Cheribie’s voice interrupted the thoughts of Masalinga… Mia and Cheribie were the granddaughters of Masalinga the witch who was once greedy for power  and in the quest she had destroyed alot but karma hit her hard and fast …All she had now were regrets and two grandchildren whose parents had died because of her foolishness.
Masalinga looked at Cheribie, what did this teenager who was ever sarcastic to her want now?   ” Tell me Cheribie, what happened?” She asked . Cheribie sat down next to the old woman and hugged her tight, very rare infact impossible gesture that threw the old woman off guard….
” Granny I feel scared ” Cheribie whispered and Masalinga felt her blood curl.. she held her granddaughter tight and tried to sip into her aura to see what had frightened her brave lioness and suddenly she froze…..noooo way !!!! Her heart screamed, this wasn’t happening…not now!!!!

Poonam drove at the speed of a snail , different thoughts churned in her Mind, she didn’t know why life could sometimes play such dirty games …Her brother Mac was a simple man, he had his flaws but they were not big enough for him to be pushed into such a tragedy, Sarah was never her favorite but Mac loved her to bits…they had their bad days but the good ones were not less either, they had tackled the sunshine and the storms very impressively….like real heroes… She had secretly envied how Sarah handled Mac during those ugly moments when the storms in their lives were fierce…. Poonam looked at her sleeping brother and said a silent prayer…’ God please give Mac relief from this pain ‘. She sighed and drove on.

” So big Bro tell  me about your love story ” Sarah probed ,the Angel of death couldn’t resist smiling… ” You won’t give up easily yeah?” He asked… This was the cutest , craziest and most irresistible soul he had come across, for the first time he felt pain and remorse for detaching her from her body, but he wasn’t among those who broke the rules…. From beginning of time when he was chosen to extract souls…. Humans feared and hated him , he never cared , his loyalty towards his duty was his first priority and even today it was but this little weird sister …huh sister …so now his thought process got a twist, he laughed out aloud, Sarah smiled at him widely ….” Tell tell….buddy to buddy” she winked at him and they both laughed…
.” There is nothing to tell Sarah” He whispered ….she pouted and he laughed again…this time he hugged her…” Why don’t you tell me your story with Mac instead ” he winked at her …… She sighed and nodded…….

To be continued

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